My Likey!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Last night, as dinner on the stove made the smoke alarm begin to sound, it dawned on me -- the sound of the smoke alarm was still less madness inducing than the noise of a pouting teenager.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Phony Sh*t my Kid's dad says:

Dad: If you don't get on your return flight home, but live here with me instead, you can go visit your Mom any time you want! I'll even pay for it!

(I'll give you two guesses how that turned out.)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

unthankful SH*T my kid says

Kid: I don't know how to do my homework. I just don't GET this science stuff!

Mom: OK, I have a co-worker who will come over next week to help you.

[Fast forward to "next week"]

Kid: I don't even know why she is coming over, what am I going to say? "Thanks for coming over but I don't need any help?"

Anyone else confused?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Have you ever read a news story and wondered how a parent actually got away with kidnapping their child?

Here is the all too simple formula:
Take 1 manipulative parent + 1 impressionable child  =  1 less family member at home now. That is some messed up math.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monkey in the Middle

I am thinking that the childhood game of "Monkey in the Middle" probably was not intended to actually be play WITH one's child as the "object" in the middle.

I'm just saying.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Yeah, Sh*t My Kid Says

One Sunday night somewhere in America...

Mom: Do you have enough clean clothes for school tomorrow or do you need to do laundry tonight?

Kid: Probably tonight.

There you have it! Do you think that teen got their laundry done in time to start the week?

Amazing how teens forget that (every weekend for the last 15 years) they have the need for clean socks and underwear. But they would never forget that they want you to take them to the football game, or to the homecoming dance, etc.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thank you...

...for reading my blog!

I know it takes some effort to find... 
and the effort is always noticed!

"Say goodnight, Gracie"

There comes a time in life when you know realize you have to cut your losses and move on.
It is time to move again. 
Won't be the first time I have moved my family. There has been so much lost and so much unwelcome change.
It is just time to find a place where the changing needs of my family can be accommodated and where we can rebuild and hopefully regain some of what has been lost.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The terrible two's?

Forget the "terrible two's"! The "terrible teen's" is the stage of parenting that is really going to try your patience and sanity!

Can you relate to this one above?