My Likey!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

You give up yet?
Well, I don't blame you. I never would have guessed either.
My ex-husband's parents are coming to dinner. You could have knocked me over with a feather when they called. I always knew they liked me better than their son {wink} but I haven't seen them in several years. I wonder if they know that one of their grandchildren will not be here. This ought to be interesting!

Now that's madness!  
Wait, since their son and I are divorced -- does that mean they are my out-laws instead of in-laws?


  1. I like hearing about people who stay connected with their in-laws after divorce. I think it makes much easier on the children and I think grandparents play an important role in children's lives.

    Good luck with the dinner - I'll be interested to read about it.


    PS Any chance you can change your comment settings to allow input of name and URL?

  2. Hi Mandy,

    It does make it much easier on the children and grandparents are an invaluable part of our kid's lives.
    Thank you! Dinner went great. Very gracious people.

    PS- I would be glad to. Went to change the settings, and there were only 3 options: "All: including anonymous", "open ID", or "google account."
